Painting Emotions: Faces #2

#Terrified Girl, of losing him

She is terrified of losing him. She is delicate like a flower, but she tries to act tough, she tries to hold her tears back into her eyes, but you can tell the tears glazing in her eyes. She is terrified of people, they will keep her away from him, if he does not get back to her in time. The love she has for him is immeasurable, she is afraid of losing him, and she is losing herself. If he doesn’t get back to her in time, she might lose her completely. She can not live in this world, without him.

I did not record my painting process today, forgot to charge my camera battery, but I couldn’t resist painting.


Love for Dahlias 

I always wanted to paint this flower since day 1, and I have tried once, it didn’t come out pretty 😀 That’s when I decided to try paint this flower after getting along with watercolours a little bit more. And today I thought ‘Why not try Dahlias? Am I ready? ah hell, let’s give it a try’ and I did paint, not one, but three,in the same painting 😀 yay for me! Taking one step at a time.

I am loving this journey.

While I was painting, it was raining here and power got cut out. I thought I could paint with candle light but it did’t show up in the recording video that well. So I waited patiently till power came, and I did record the whole thing. I used Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 this time and will continue to, it is better than what I used to edit with. Here’s the link to it Watercolor | Dahlias | Time Lapse

Here’s how it turned out



Red Cosmos

If you have been following me for a quite a while, you would know that red is my favourite colour of all. My name, Humaira, it means Reddish girl, maybe it’s the reason my hand picks red colour every time, be it dresses, bags, sandals, or even my painting brushes 😀 When I was a little, our yard were full of cosmos flower, yellow ones. I basically don’t pick yellow as my colour of choice, but I have a thing for yellow flowers, I have no idea why. Still I wanted to do red this time.

The video link to this painting is here Red cosmos |Watercolor | time lapse and sorry, I must have moved my camera a little further, the video doesn’t capture the full painting. I have to be careful next time, this has happened for the second time. Sorry again.

Here’s the painting



Clouds and Thunder

It was raining all day. The pale blue sky is not visible anymore. The white fluffy clouds were playing Hide and Seek with the sky, and the sky were perfectly hidden. The clouds couldn’t find it, turned dark and became alone. Along  came Thunder, the dark lonely clouds cried so hard to the Thunder, because it couldn’t find the sky, it rained heavily all day. When the clouds stopped crying, the sky came out from its hiding spot, the clouds become so happy, it started to become white and fluffy.

The video to this painting is here Watercolour | Clouds and Thunder



Pink Camellia, the elite

Happy time doesn’t end with just one painting, isn’t it? Yes, I didn’t stop with just one. The brush stroke continued to this pink Camellia flower. It’s a beautiful and simple flower. I did not want to take away it’s simplicity. It signifies the eliteness.

I loved how it turned out.


Twin trees

Helloo everyone!!

I am sooooooo happy today, feeling pure, and I feel good from the bottom of my heart. My mind feels awesome, Alhamdhulilah! Nothing special or new happened. Only happiness happened.

I think I found my happy colour, and I always knew it was red, my favourite colour. Whenever I am happy my hand goes straight to red.

Basically, what I did today, is I painted a portrait of twin trees. The trees have fully bloomed flowers, covering it like a beautiful blanket, the branches and its bark has green algae on them, that signifies that they have been growing old together for a happily long time.

I did not record the process, the battery of my camera were dead because of the last shoot. Here’s the happy painting of the twin trees.


Hibiscus and Roses

Is it Hibiscus or Hibiscuses?! Hmm, I am not sure. Okay lets go with hibiscus, that sounds good to me 😀

I was thinking which flower I didn’t make a painting and hibiscus came to my mind. Don’t ask about roses, it’s always in every artist mind 😉

I didn’t make a video out of it. Sorry for that.


Pink Flowers

Bad news, the ankle sprain I mentioned earlier, some tissues near my ankle was damaged, I might have rolled it over at night or something. I got to give ice bath and hold on to crepe bandage and take rest for at least a week. So, I can’t wander around my house and was being constantly watched by my mom 😀

I decided to paint these beautiful flowers, just spur in the moment. I took videos and photos in between, patiently. I never watch the video while painting, I always concentrate on what I paint. Today, I watched my video recording as well, and I hope to record like this time with more patience here after.

This time I wanted to post the full video of how I paint. No speed paint. The link to the full video of this painting Pink Flowers | Watercolour VideoA0801_16a

I clicked some pictures in between the drying phases, check out below


Midnight flowers 

I have a sprain in my ankle and I was forced not to wander. I was bored all day & when I hit the bed, I couldn’t sleep. It was already 12:30am. I took my brush and started going with the flow of night theme inside my head. I added pink flowers to it. It turned out to be good. This is the reason I named it Midnight Flowers.

I did not record anything tonight. Sorry. 

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