I have opened a New Artist Shop!!!

Hi everyone..

I have opened a new Artist Shop in threadless.com

I have put together few of my watercolour paintings into the shop featuring in t-shirts, mugs, framed artworks, art prints, rugs, blankets, duvet, phone case, bath mat, beach towels and so much more. Check out my collections and give me a feedback. I didn’t think of opening a artist shop when I start out, now I can’t belive I have the courage to open up a shop for myself. This is pretty huge for me! I hope you guys support me, check out my shop and spread the word.

I would love to do customised art for any products listed in threadless or even art prints, just contact me here, commissions according to your needs.

Link here “HumaiPaints Artist Shop

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Overcoming Art block

It’s been a little while since I last painted… I couldn’t put myself to take up a brush or pencil. I just couldn’t pour my emotions to my paints anymore and I stopped painting.

Just had a good day with my baby after a long time, felt like I should just do a quick sketch, which tempted me to paint and it was already 3am. It was just a simple portrait but I am happy how it turned out.


Love is Nostalgic

Love is messy,

Love is unpredictable,

Love is passion,

Love is obsession,

Love is someone you can’t live without,

And pain is a part of love.

People change, people leave.

It’s hard to wait for something that’s never gonna happen, its even harder to move on  when it’s all you want.


P. S. My favorite portrait of yours. I can’t get you out of my head, I am getting you out through my brushes.




I thought you were my lobster( incase you didn’t know, lobsters be together for a life, F. R. I. E. N. D. S. pun intended) but you were beautifully colored, slimy, no-brainer, self centered jellyfish who I happened to get attracted (squishy, ‘finding nemo’ pun intended) and drawn towards and drowned deeply.

Ps. No videos this time too, pardon me 😅





Ocean of Tears

The times when I felt it in my throat, when my eyes become blurry from the tears, when I just want to scream but closed my mouth with hands, when I was shaking and couldn’t stand anymore, when I couldn’t breathe, when I realized that the love of my life is gone forever, dripping tears, drowned on the ocean of tears to the deepest of the dark underworld, there isn’t any shed of light, there isn’t any hope, and I realized no one can hear my silent screams, no one can understand my broken heart, no one can help me but the One who created me. I cried to Him, I cried in Sujood. I realized I don’t need to shout nor cry out loud, He’s the best listener, I don’t need to put my words in prayers, He hears my heart, Allah gave me Sabr.

Allah does not burden a soul beyond it can bear (Qur’an 2:286)

I am stronger, I can bear it. And I will never let anyone put me down.


The Wild Bloom

Honestly, I did not think I would actually do the next one on my new series ‘attitudes’. Everything that’s happening has been filled up to my throat, and I am just spitting up my grieve on the paper.

The wild bloom, is a beautiful process of becoming, that when you think you have been put down, when you think that you have been buried, when you think that you are surrounded by darkness, remember my wonderful woman, you have been planted, planted to arise like a crowned queen, bloom, bloom freely. Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace, bloom with pride, bloom in all the places people thought you never would. Bloom wild.

Pardon me once again, I didn’t shoot the process of this painting too, I was overwhelmed and was too tired. I promise I will try for the next one, in sha Allah.


The Flutters

The first painting with the new brushes, in my new sketchbook, trying new techniques, oh boy, I just love love how this turned out and I hope you guys like it too. I am soon gonna post it on redbubble and threadless, so it will be available for sales in prints, as some of you guys have been asking for my art prints, you are going to have to wait for it to get it, but I promise I will make it happen soon, in sha Allah.

The Flutters, is all about the inner excitement, independence , but kind of nervous and scared simultaneously about what is ahead. It’s like you are never ready for something new yet somehow you go through it. It’s really hard for me to explain in words.

I really wanted to make video progress of my artwork, I just don’t have enough time to make it happen. I will try to make video for upcoming one.

Ps. I bought the brushes on Amazon and so many of you tracked me on Instagram from my Amazon reviews.

New sketchbook, new series – Attitudes

New sketchbook, new brushes (worison brushes, should I do a reviewon YouTube?), new series in yet another new phase of my life, I am gonna start painting away all sorts of things. Thinking of naming the series “Attitudes”, I might change it later but this is good for now.

With my little boo beside me, his eager towards my painting brushes and palettes, I am trying really hard to keep my art supplies away from him. Though he calls all my arts ‘mo’ which roughly translates from his babbling language into ‘ghost/horror/shaitan'(#facepalm, like father like son, his father doesn’t get my artworks too, he just reminds me of his father in all little ways) anyways, he still enjoys painting with me.

About the series, I feel like painting about the spiritual force of woman, her strength which she doesn’t know she has, melancholy, her independence, her inner struggles, self pride, her moods, kind of feelings, is what I have in my mind for now. I just don’t know how it’s going to turn out, you are going to have to wait and see, in sha Allah. I am going to put more efforts, more details this time. 

So this is just a beginning of a new chapter. Let’s just say, it’s not easy.

If only I had known..

If only I had known, I would have never took my eyes off of you (I love that kona vaai blushed smile you do) 

If only I had known, I would have held you a little longer (and a little more and a little more and a little more and a little more…)

If only I had known, I would have kept your worn shirt (oh, I love your scent, I keep telling you that)

If only I had known, I would have slow danced with you to our song (it’s been a long time since we danced, I cherish all those times)

If only I had known, I would have never let go of those fluffy hugs(I can’t believe it’s not there anymore, one of your misfits that I love)

If only I had known, I would have asked you to take us with you (“it was too late when I asked you” I said, “it was over when you asked me” you replied)

If only I had known, I would have never stopped kissing you (I didn’t know it was the last time)

If only I had known, I would have laid on your arms to sleep and never have woken up.

The only thing I know is that a big part of me has disappeared and I can’t fill the void with your memories, it’s not easy for me.






“One of those days” and my life

Creator of the comics “One of those days”, Yehuda and Maya Devir really captured their beautiful daily life in a really funny comic way. I so can relate those comics to my life. The picture I chose to do fanart of them, reminds me of my husband and me when we were together, even though that annoys me teeny tiny bit, I love the way he showed his saliva filled love towards me.

Now that the comic creators have a baby, and the struggles they show is real fun, though I don’t get to have it experienced myself with my husband.

Check out their comics here https://instagram.com/jude_devir


Tera Ban Jaaunga

I know I know, I post too many Kabir Singh related arts. Yes, I am in love with the movie and all the songs, singer Arijit Singh, lyrics, oh my God, lyrics, it’s just touched my heart. I admire every single word, line by line, that’s what inspired me to paint something which I never had a courage to. It just made me remember all the romantic memories of my life, the slow dances to our favorite songs, never ending kisses, fluffy hugs, cuddling to sleep on his arms, bike rides on rain, it all seems like a humongously long time ago.

Saath Chhodunga Na Tere Peeche Aaunga
I’ll not leave Your side, I’ll always follow You
Chheen Lunga Ya Khuda Se Maang Laaunga
I’ll go and ask God for You
Tere Naal Taqdeeran Likhwaunga 
I’ll get my destiny written with You
Main Tera Ban Jaaunga 
I will become Yours

Sonh Teri Main Kasam Yahi Khaunga
I will swear this in Your name, my beloved
Kitte Waadeya Nu Umraan Nibhaunga
I will fulfil the promises I’ve made, all my life
Tujhe Har Waari Apna Banaunga
I will make You mine in every life
Main Tera Ban Jaaunga 
I will become Yours

What more can I say? Main Tera ban jaungi.


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